Home Sweet Home

Home sweet home or the transitory house of Tantôt.

Tantôt is observing every inch of us since a very long time. To the one observing to be observed. This spacio­temporal globe­trotter is opening the doors of his home.

Since a few years, Tantôt is travelling very slowly around the world and gives us the opportunityto see us and our strange civilisation through the animated films. But he remains very misterious.

Who is he ? Where does he live ? What is his day routine when not on the roads ?

Tantôt, today, is revealing his « cave » to the public. Then, you can discover his little habits and his transitory hut made out of trays and furnitures found in the street. In this environment, he is surrounding himself with memories and favorites things, which are « home ».

Tantôt will welcome you for a game of chess, a snails’ race or just a day to day moment (a cold

coffee…). Like his objects, Tantôt archives are accumulating. More than 3 hours of films and as many photos which are the testimony of an epic unfinished life. To make it stay alive, a curator will welcome you in the archives, telling a few unforgivable anecdotes.

The installation is fed with time machines (clepsydre) and old cinema machines which allow to put images on time (mutoscope, praxinoscope, zootrope).

Have a good journey in the cave of idleness.


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